Dangers of Sick Building Syndrome: How you can avoid it in your work environment
The air quality in your office plays a big role in how you feel at work. If you are spending more than 8 hours per day breathing the same stuff over and over again, many people will start to experience symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). SBS is caused by prolonged exposure to indoor air pollutants like mold spores, chemicals, cigarette smoke, or biological agents. The symptoms range from mild (headaches, dry eyes) to severe (respiratory illnesses and asthma attacks), so it's important that we take certain precautions before it becomes too late. This article will show you how you can avoid SBS by using simple tips and tricks in your work environment!
The first step is to check the ventilation system. Simply opening windows or doors isn't enough because these systems are designed to push fresh air into the room rather than pull it out of it! So remember that when you open up your office, make sure it's a nice and sunny day and there aren’t any trees nearby (because leaves tend to trap pollen and mold spores).
During winter, consider getting a HEPA filter for your ventilation system or a HEPA air purifier. These filters are great for trapping pollen, mold spores, and dust that might be in the air.
Try Dry Salt Therapy!
This is a type of alternative medicine that involves the use of pharmaceutical-grade salt that is ground to micron-sized particles and dispersed into the air. Clients simply relax in a comfortable chair and breath in the dry salt air. The tiny particles of sale are able to reach the deepest part of the lungs, sinuses, ears, and pores of the skin where they absorb and help to remove bacteria, viruses, mold spores, pollen, and inhaled pollutants. The salt aerosol also thins the mucus and speeds up the rate at which it is expelled from the lungs. the respiratory tract and skin is cleared and inflammation is reduced thus benefitting the entire body.
Dry Salt Therapy
Improve your breathing with Dry Salt Therapy. Book Today!
Finally, remember that stress can also be a major factor in SBS. To reduce your anxiety levels at work, try getting more sleep and exercising every day! When you start feeling good about yourself outside of the office environment, it will reflect on how you feel inside of it too.
There are so many ways to avoid Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), but the most important thing is to always be aware of your surroundings. If you start feeling sick or experiencing any symptoms, then it’s time for a change!